The year was 1995. It was a quiet night at Washington Home and Hospice. Sylvia Sturm, a volunteer of five years, was sitting at the front desk awaiting her next assignment or the next phone call. Instead, a soft-spoken gentle woman walked through the door. She had a flyer in hand. She asked if Sylvia would deliver it to the Director of Volunteers. Sylvia said she would– but first she would read it. The woman was Luann Jacobs, now Director of Reiki Services at GW Center for Integrative Medicine; the flyer was announcing a Reiki introductory workshop. Sylvia asked if she could attend; Ms. Jacobs said yes… and the rest, as the saying goes, is history.

Contact Sylvia
Since that fateful moment, Sylvia has:
- Become a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui School of Natural Healing
- Studied Reiki with Hyakuten Inamoto, founder of Komyo Reiki Kai, and been accredited as Shihan/Teacher
- Been invited to be first Reiki Fellow at the GW Center for Integrative Medicine
- Been a six-year Reiki volunteer at George Washington University Hospital
- Completed Advanced Teacher Training Course (Teaching Reiki to Caregivers) with Judy McCracken, MA, RMT, Reiki Rays of Hope, Cleveland, OH
- Completed three years training in Eden Energy Medicine and is certified as Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner
- Completed advanced energy medicine studies with Melanie Smith, AP, DOM, EEM-AP, in her Energy Medicine Mastery Series (Energy Medicine for Heart Health, for Brain Health, for Hormone Havoc, for Cancer Care) and Susan Stone, MS, Lic.Ac., EEM-AP (Advanced Healing Essentials)
- Completed Levels 1 & 2 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) training with Dawson Church, PhD
- Completed one-year training in Shamanic Healing with Rose Khalsa, The Polarity Center
- Completed on-line acupressure Master Program Certificate of Completion (Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.)
- Completed Foot and Hand Reflexology Certification (Claire Marie Miller)
- Continued with her practice of yoga and her love and studies of metaphysics
Sylvia has a private energy medicine practice in Kensington, MD. She is Director of the Subtle Energies Program at a seniors’ residence in Washington, DC (funded by Health Partners Inc, a 501c3 non-profit). Sylvia also see individuals and caregivers of those with dementia and Alzheimer’s. She founded the Reiki Program at Community on the Hill (a Unity church in Washington, DC), and leads an Eden Energy Medicine monthly study group. In addition to serving her clients, Sylvia enthusiastically teaches Reiki and energy medicine classes and conducts workshops on energy medicine related topics.